Purchase new or extend current iFlightPlanner Premium or iFlightPlanner Premium Plus memberships for three (3) months for the price of one... This includes our newest members who are still in their 30-day free trial!

Simply choose either of the 3-month options when extending or upgrading your membership to secure this special pricing!
Available in the App Store.
All single-pilot memberships include comprehensive web-based flight planning and wireless sync functionality with iFlightPlanner for iPad. iFlightPlanner Premium members enjoy enhanced features online and in the app, with iFlightPlanner Premium Plus members having access to the complete set of georeferenced U.S. airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures on the iPad.
A complete list of features is available at iFlightPlanner.com/Features.
NOTE: This special offer is available through 11:59pm PST on 6/30/2019 and is not available via In-App Purchase through iFlightPlanner for iPad. Automatic renewals will be processed at current retail prices.