



Thursday, July 25, 2024

iFlightPlanner ADS-B Compatibility

Thursday, July 25, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone, both available in the App Store, support ADS-B traffic and weather connectivity with the leading portable and certified ADS-B solutions on the market.

Pilots with an iFlightPlanner Premium Membership will see all currently supported device manufacturers in the Settings menu, accessible from the Home screen, as shown here:

Noticeably absent from this list are the GDL-series devices from Garmin, the first and second generation Stratus devices, as well as the Scout and Sentry units from uAvionix due to exclusive arrangements with certain EFBs.  iFlightPlanner's currently supported manufacturers and their respective devices include:

 Appareo  Lynx by L3HARRIS
     Stratus 3       NGT-9000
     Stratus 3i        NGT-9000+ 
 Dual       NGT-9000D 
     XGPS170        NGT-9000+ 
     XGPS170D   SkyRadar 
     XGPS190      SkyRadar-D 
 Levil      SkyRadar-DX 
     iLevil 3 AW   Stratux
     iLevil 3 SW  uAvionix
     iLevil AP      echoUAT
     Astro Link        SkySensor

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Navigating Identical VOR and Airport Identifiers in iFlightPlanner

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Planning flights can be a meticulous task, especially when dealing with specific navigation aids like VORs that share identifiers with airports. iFlightPlanner offers a robust solution for this scenario, making flight planning both flexible and accurate.

When the IATA Identifiers Match

When planning a flight, iFlightPlanner supports routing from and to VORs. However, a common issue arises when a VOR and an airport share the same three-character IATA identifier. In such cases, the system defaults to assuming the identifier refers to the airport, not the VOR. For example, the identifier "OSH" could refer to both an airport and a VOR. By default, iFlightPlanner will interpret "OSH" as the airport and change it to "KOSH," which can be frustrating if you intend to depart from or navigate to the VOR.

How to Distinguish VORs

The solution is straightforward: add "/V" to the VOR identifier. So, if you wish to start your flight from the "OSH" VOR, you should enter it as "OSH/V" in the Planner console. This simple addition ensures that the system correctly interprets your input as a VOR rather than an airport, as shown here:

This feature is particularly beneficial for pilots who often depart VFR and pick up an IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) clearance en route. It provides more flexibility and reduces the load on the IFR system. iFlightPlanner’s intuitive interface and this specific feature make it an excellent tool for precise and efficient flight planning.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Understanding IFR Flight Plans: Why Changes Can't Be Made Within 46 Minutes

Thursday, July 18, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

When operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), pilots must file a flight plan that cannot be amended or canceled within 46 minutes of departure. This rule ensures safety and efficiency within Air Traffic Control (ATC).

Why the 46-Minute Rule?

Once a flight plan is filed, ATC coordinates with various sectors and allocates resources. Sudden changes can disrupt these operations, affecting safety and efficiency.

What Constitutes a Change?

In addition to altitude or flight level, destination, and route changes, altering the speed of an aircraft constitutes a change. If the average true airspeed at cruising altitude varies by plus or minus 5 percent or 10 knots, ATC must be advised.

How to Manage Changes?

  1. Plan Ahead: Ensure your flight plan is accurate and finalized before the 46-minute cutoff.
  2. Communicate Early: If changes are needed, notify ATC promptly. Changes should be made more than 46 minutes before departure using the Amend Flight Plan feature offered by iFlightPlanner. If unavailable, contact an ATC facility or FSS.
  3. Update Departure Times: Notify ATC if your departure is delayed by more than 2 hours to keep the flight plan active. Due to traffic saturation, ATC may not accept revisions via radio, so contact a flight plan service provider or FSS.

By understanding and adhering to this rule, pilots can contribute to a safer, more efficient air traffic system.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for July 11 Cycle

Thursday, July 11, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning July 11, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, July 8, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for July 11 Cycle

Monday, July 8, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on July 11, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on July 11.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for June 13 Cycle

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 @ 3:25 PM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning June 13, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, June 10, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for June 13 Cycle

Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on June 13, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on June 13.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for May 16 Cycle

Thursday, May 16, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning May 16, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, May 13, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for May 16 Cycle

Monday, May 13, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on May 16, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on May 16.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

4 Tools to Help Burn Less Fuel and Fly Faster

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Not planning with an iFlightPlanner Premium membership is likely costing you - using these four simple planning tools will help save you fuel, time, and money every time you fly!

Detailed Aircraft Performance Profiles

iFlightPlanner offers the most detailed aircraft performance profiles of any flight planning solution.  Not only can you input performance data by altitude, but as an iFlightPlanner Premium, you're able to create and plan using multiple performance profiles that will maximize your aircraft's range or cruise speed.  The flight planner is so robust that it interpolates aircraft performance based on all available data, and gets more precise as you add details to the profile for each altitude. 

Do you have performance profiles that you've perfected for your aircraft?  Let us know, the iFlightPlanner Crew will be happy to help add it to your account!

Aircraft Fuel Range Mapping

Instantly see if you can reach your destination non-stop, or know when you'll begin burning your predetermined reserve fuel with our fuel range identifiers.  The orange marker shows where you'll tap into your reserve, while the red marker indicates the maximum range of your aircraft given your route, aircraft performance, and forecasted winds.  Each fuel setting is available when editing an aircraft from your My Aircraft list, allowing the markers to appear on the map automatically for iFlightPlanner Premium.

Graphical Fuel Price Map Layers


Turn on the fuel price layers in any of our interactive maps, including iFlightPlanner for iPad, to get a look at the most recently reported fuel prices across the country.  Each fuel price links to our comprehensive Airport/Facility Directory for each airport, complete with FBO details, runway information, and printable airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures.




Altitude Efficiency Comparison Tool

Leveraging your detailed aircraft performance profiles, iFlightPlanner can compare every altitude (up to your aircraft's maximum) to identify the quickest, and most fuel-efficient altitudes for your flight.  Simply click the Compare Altitudes button in the online Flight Planning Interface or in iFlightPlanner for iPad to discover the fuel savings waiting for you enroute!


Using another EFB but want to switch to iFlightPlanner and take advantage of these great features?  Our Competitive Upgrade Program allows you to trade-in your existing subscription and have the time remaining on it added to your new iFlightPlanner Premium.

If you have any questions, please send us a message.  We are always happy to help and want you to get the most out of your iFlightPlanner experience!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for April 18 Cycle

Thursday, April 18, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning April 18, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, April 15, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for April 18 Cycle

Monday, April 15, 2024 @ 8:08 PM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on April 18, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on April 18.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

NBAA Introduces New International Flight Plan Format Guide

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

NBAA unveiled a tool at the 2024 NBAA International Operators Conference in Orlando, FL, to aid compliance with international flight planning requirements.

The "International Flight Plan Format Guide," developed by NBAA’s International Operators Committee, helps operators manage varied flight plan requirements from the FAA, ICAO, and other regulators. This guide, supported by major flight planning vendors, provides a standardized format to align on flight plan language and structure. Though optional, using this format simplifies the LOA application process and enhances international compliance.

NBAA collaborates with the FAA to gather feedback and improve the process continuously, addressing issues like incorrect equipment codes. This initiative aims to streamline operations and ensure industry-wide consistency.

» NBAA International Flight Plan Format Guide

Thursday, March 21, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for March 21 Cycle

Thursday, March 21, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning March 21, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, March 18, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for March 21 Cycle

Monday, March 18, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on March 21, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or mobile device will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on March 21.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for February 22 Cycle

Thursday, February 22, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning February 22, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, February 19, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for February 22 Cycle

Monday, February 19, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on February 22, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on February 22.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for January 25 Cycle

Thursday, January 25, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning January 25, 2024 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, January 22, 2024

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for January 25 Cycle

Monday, January 22, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on January 25, 2024.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on January 25.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for December 28 Cycle

Thursday, December 28, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning December 28, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, December 25, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for December 28 Cycle

Monday, December 25, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on December 28, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on December 28.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for November 30 Cycle

Thursday, November 30, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning November 30, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, November 27, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for November 30 Cycle

Monday, November 27, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on November 30, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on November 30.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for November 2 Cycle

Thursday, November 2, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning November 2, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, October 30, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for November 2 Cycle

Monday, October 30, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on November 2, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on November 2.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for October 5 Cycle

Thursday, October 5, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning October 5, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, October 2, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for October 5 Cycle

Monday, October 2, 2023 @ 1:16 PM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on October 5, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on October 5.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for September 7 Cycle

Thursday, September 7, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning September 7, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, September 4, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for September 7 Cycle

Monday, September 4, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on September 7, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on September 7.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for August 10 Cycle

Thursday, August 10, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning August 10, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, August 7, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for August 10 Cycle

Monday, August 7, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on August 10, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on August 10.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for July 13 Cycle

Thursday, July 13, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning July 13, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, July 10, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for July 13 Cycle

Monday, July 10, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on July 13, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on July 13.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for June 15 Cycle

Thursday, June 15, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning June 15, 2023 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, June 12, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for June 15 Cycle

Monday, June 12, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on June 15, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on June 15.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for May 18 Cycle

Thursday, May 18, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning 5/18/23 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, May 15, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for May 18 Cycle

Monday, May 15, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on May 18, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on May 18.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for April 20 Cycle

Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning 4/20/23 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, April 17, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for April 20 Cycle

Monday, April 17, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on April 20, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on April 20.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for March 23 Cycle

Thursday, March 23, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning 3/23/23 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, March 20, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for March 23 Cycle

Monday, March 20, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on March 23, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on March 23.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for February 23 Cycle

Thursday, February 23, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning 2/23/23 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, February 20, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for February 23 Cycle

Monday, February 20, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on February 23, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on February 23.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for January 26 Cycle

Thursday, January 26, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning 1/26/23 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, January 23, 2023

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for January 26 Cycle

Monday, January 23, 2023 @ 6:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on January 26, 2023.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on January 26.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for December 29 Cycle

Thursday, December 29, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning 12/29/22 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, December 26, 2022

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for December 29 Cycle

Monday, December 26, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on December 29, 2022.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on December 29.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for December 1 Cycle

Thursday, December 1, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 28-day AIRAC cycle beginning 12/1/22 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew

Monday, November 28, 2022

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Available for December 1 Cycle

Monday, November 28, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone users may now download airport and navigation data as well as aeronautical charts, georeferenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures for the FAA Data Cycle that goes into effect on December 1, 2022.  Simply tap the button in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab to "Check For Updates."

Pilots using iFlightPlanner for AOPA or iFlightPlanner on their desktop, laptop, or smartphone will see the iFlightPlanner Cloud automatically make the transition to the new data at 9:01Z on December 1.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

FAA Airport, Navigation & Chart Data is Current for November 3 Cycle

Thursday, November 3, 2022 @ 8:00 AM

Official airport, navigation and chart data for the FAA's 56-day AIRAC cycle beginning 11/3/22 became current today as of 09:01Z.  This includes updated georeferenced data for airport diagrams and instrument approach procedures available in iFlightPlanner for iPad and iFlightPlanner for iPhone.

Anytime you access iFlightPlanner or iFlightPlanner for AOPA from your desktop, laptop, or smartphone browser you can be confident you're seeing the most current and accurate data available.

To ensure iFlightPlanner is current on your iPhone or iPad, simply tap "Check for Updates" in the upper-left corner of the Downloads tab.  Each app will quickly tell you which packages need to be updated!

The iFlightPlanner Crew